New to JAYA?

First Time Visitor to Just As You Are™ (JAYA™)? Here’s some information you might find helpful.

Where is Just As You Are™ located?
We meet in the historic downtown of Stone Mountain, Georgia. If you would like to attend in person, please email Pastor Jeff at

Is JAYA a church?
To many the word “church” carries a myriad of emotional responses ranging from guilt to condescension. There is an unfortunate perception that church is a place of religious condemnation and legalistic rituals. If this is what church means to you, then “no,” we are not a church.

The word church actually comes from a word that means “assembly” or “gathering.” This assembly is a place of support, a place of growth, a place to gather strength for the challenges life brings, and a place of discovering relationships with God and others. If this is your definition of “church,” then “YES.”

Either way, no matter who your are or where you are in God’s beautifully diverse creation, we invite you to come and experience the difference of Just As You Are

Who is welcome at JAYA™?
The Answer is anyone who is seeking a closer relationship with God.

Many who attend JAYA™ have been disenfranchised or hurt by traditional church or organized religion. They have found Just As You Are™ to be a safe and loving environment where questions are always welcomed and friends are made. You will find people of all race, age, sex, and social status. Single, married, gay and straight – All are family and all are welcome!

11 AM Virtual and In Person Worship 
Worship starts at 11:00 am. 

If you would like to participate online or in person, contact Pastor Jeff at and he will send you a link to the zoom call or the address.